== == The real name of Pharaoh Nefertiti is Neferneferuaten.
Yes! She in fact had six children.-dogs rule
Being a queen, playing with dolls
Neferneferuaten Nefertiti.
Nefertiti's husband was Akhenaten, the" Heretic Pharaoh.
Queen Nefertiti's body was found in Amarna by the German Oriental Co.
She was Queen :D
No. There has been many Amarna period female mummies found but none have been positively identified as Nefertiti.
== == The real name of Pharaoh Nefertiti is Neferneferuaten.
she went to
no she was a beauty
she became queen in 1896
There was never a King Nefertiti, nor did Nefertiti ever become Pharoah according to her history. Nefertiti was the Queen of Pharoah Akhenaten of the 18th dynasty. She is considered the most beautiful Queen, which is also referred to in her name which means "the beautiful one has come".