In fleece factories.
Factories are likely to contain chemicals, heat, machinery that can pinch, push and poke you etc.
they traded chocolate in markets and with other native people in sout america. they used chocolate as a form of currency
Chocolate has always been around. It comes from Cocoa beans. The first use of chocolate, was for drinking, which dates back to the Olmec (1500 BC to about 400 BC). However, The Maya are generally given credit for creating the first modern chocolate beverage over 2,000 years ago, despite the fact that the beverage would undergo many more changes in Europe. Chocolate remained a drink until the Industrial Revolution, when many changes occurred that brought about the food today in its modern form. A Dutch family's (van Houten) inventions made mass production of shiny, tasty chocolate bars and related products possible. Fun Fact- The original recipe contained Chili Powder instead of Sugar.
250,000 factories is there in the UK by 1850.
there are many chocolate factories in England and no on is sure how many because there are millions
Candy is made in factories like chocolate is made in chocolate factories. I hope I answered your question!
There are two Cadbury's chocolate factories around the world. One is based in Birmingham, United Kingdom and the other is located in Dunedin, New Zealand.
Many are, especially the mass-produced chocolate Easter bunnies from large factories or companies. Some - especially smaller owned shops or chocolate factories - may wrap them by hand, but most are done by machine or automated processes.
Cocoa IS chocolate, so without it you wouldn't have chocolate .
Mostly from chocolate factories. Mostly from chocolate factories.
It`s made in the factories.
In the chocolate factories
Oh, what a lovely question! There are countless chocolate companies in the world, each with its own unique story and delicious creations. From small artisanal chocolatiers to large multinational brands, they all share a passion for creating sweet moments of joy for people to enjoy. Just like each brushstroke adds beauty to a painting, each chocolate company adds a touch of sweetness to the world.