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Skylla by Apollo/Phorkys as Krataeis.

"[Kirke addresses her niece Medea :] `Nor let them [the Argonauts] go too near the hateful den of Ausonian Skylla, that wicked monster borne to Phorkys by night-wandering Hekate, whom men call Kratais.'"

Hecate was also titled Perseïs and identified with Eidyia (Aeetes wife) so perhaps had by him or Helios; Circe, Medea, and Aigialeus.

"We are told that Helios (the Sun) had two sons, Aeetes and Perses, Aeetes being the king of Kolkhis and the other king of the Tauric Khersonese, . . . Perses had a daughter Hekate . . . she married Aeetes and bore two daughters, Kirke and Medea, and a son Aigialeus."

Hecate was also called a virgin goddess.

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