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Egypt, china, babylon, Greece, persia, roman

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five - monera , protista, fungi, plantae and animalia.

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Q: How many kingdoms in the world?
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How many kingdoms exist in the world?

there are six kingdoms consisting of protist, Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia

How many kingdoms are used today?

there are five kingdoms used today

How many pages does Kingdoms of Sorcery have?

Kingdoms of Sorcery has 218 pages.

How many animals in kingdoms?

there are over 500 animals at animal in kingdoms

How many different countries were there in Jesus' day?

There weren't. There were empires and kingdoms, not countries. The world didn't work that way.

How many bacteria kingdoms are there today?

There are two kingdoms of bacteria, Eubacteria and Archaea.

How many kingdoms are in the bible?

Israel was split into two kingdoms, if that's what you mean.

How many kindoms divide up the living organisms on earth?

well it takes many kingdoms to divide the kingdoms

How many kingdoms did the Aryans establish by the end of later Vedic Age?

16 kingdoms

What is Westfall in World of Warcraft?

It is an area in the eastern kingdoms

What are the names of the six floristic kingdoms of the world?

A floristic kingdom is an ecological kingdom. The six kingdoms of this type that are in the world are Boreal, Neotropical, Paleotropical, South African, Australian, and Antarctic.

What are the Eastern Kingdoms in World of Warcraft?

The Eastern Kingdoms is one of three landmasses in Azeroth - the Eastern Kingdoms in the East (comprising the old Human kingdoms), Kalimdor (where the Night Elves originally lived) and Northrend (the icy continent claimed by the scourge).