Answer 1None, because the Mongol Empire was not the largest in the world.The Mongol Empire was the second largest in the world, with a total land area of 24 million km2.The largest empire in the world was the British Empire, with a total land area of 33.7 million km2.Either way, the leader of the Mongol Empire was Genghis Khan.Answer 2While the British Empire was the largest in the history of the world, the Mongols for a short time controlled the largest contiguous land empire in world history. While Genghis Khan founded the empire, it reached its largest united extant under his grandson, Ogedei, who invaded Western Russia. After Ogedei's death the empire fragmented into several different Khanates.
A decrease in the population of northern China.
When Halagu Khan, the Mongol general sacked Baghdad.
Most of Eastern Europe, including Poland (:
the greatest empire in the world was the british empire the 2nd greatest empire was the mongol empire 3rd was russia the most richest empire was rome i think and the ottoman empire sucks remember that people thinks its strong but its not ok
3000-3500 miles
The Mongol Empire covered over 33,000,000km in 1279. It had a population of over 100 million people and was made up of 22% of Earth's total land area.
Mongol Empire was created in 1206.
which mountain range separated the mongol empire from India
The Mongol Empire was between 1206-1368.
Emir Timur was determined to restore the Mongol Empire.
the mongol rule their empire by help the animal and plantation
Genghis Khan was the first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire.
The Mongol Empire