It is unknown how many people died creating the Statue of Zeus at Olympia if any did. It was made by the sculptor Phidias around 435 BC.
It is believed to have stood for 827 years.
People liked Zeus because he was powerful and handsome. He often appealed to mortal women and had many children with them. Zeus was called mighty and wise.
69,000,000 annually
more than people can count -_- that playa
There were several cults of Zeus and associated myths: Zeus Velchanos, Zeus Lykaios, Zeus Meilichios, Zeus Chthonios, Zeus Katachthonios and Zeus Plousios. Zeus, like other gods, also played a part in many other myths.
Depends on the size of the statue. Generally, one.
Sadly Fidias' Zeus statue was destroyed many centuries ago. It was in the Zeus temple at Olympia, of course.
It is believed to have stood for 827 years.
the statue of Zeus and the Mayan pyramids are alike because they were both man made and they were both built to please their gods they are both world wonders except the statue of Zeus is a new world wonder and the Mayan pyramid is an old world wonder these two wonders also have many difference's like the Mayan pyramids is still standing but the statue of Zeus disappeared in 462a.d when it was destroyed by fire in Istanbul, turkey
it survived 1 second when i touched i and it shatterd into pieces
it took about 165 men to build the Statue of Liberty.
France built many things, such as the Statue of Liberty.
There is roughly 145,000,978 people that have seen the Statue of Liberty.
they do not live in the statue of liberty because their are to many peopole visiting the statue of liberty.
he has many names and his statue is very important to some peoples religion