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There are 3 kindoms old,middle,and new kindom

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

ancient Egypt was divided into 42 provinces (more often called "nomes").

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βˆ™ 15y ago

5 regions in Egypt

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Q: How many regions there were in ancient Egypt?
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What were the regions that made up ancient Egypt?

Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt

What are two regions or Ancient Egypt and what direction are they in?

upper Egypt is in the south. lower Egypt is in the north

What regions are found in ancient Egypt?

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What were the two regions the made up ancient Egypt?

eastern ancient eygpt and WEstern ancient eygpt

Where were the two regions that was made up ancient Egypt?

Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt

What two regions was Ancient Egypt divided into?

It is divided into Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt :) Hope that helped. (:

How many parts of ancient Egypt was there?

There were two parts Ancient Egypt, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.

How many rulers of Egypt were there?

The Kings of Egypt were not called Pharaohs by the ancient Egyptians. This word was used by the Greeks and Hebrews, and today is commonly used for the ancient Kings of Egypt. We really do not know how many kings ruled in Egypt, for at times in its ancient past the country was split up, and there were at least several kings at the same time. There was also probably kings who ruled regions of Egypt before recorded history, and in fact, several ancient historians record legendary Pharaohs who became Egyptian gods.

Egypt was divided into two regions Upper and Lower Egypt. In paintings from ancient Egypt how can one tell the extent of a pharaoh's rule?

You can't tell just from a painting.

Why was thebes important to ancient Egypt?

Thebes held many of ancient egypt's tombs. It was also one of the few cities in Egypt that were in upper egypt

How many main land regions does Egypt have?


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