It began in the 5000-3100 B.C.E. The rest of the answer find it by yourself, lazy!
about 120 years ago
About two million years ago
Writing systems go back more than to around 4,100 years BC. However, simple tokens, the precursors to writing, have been dated to around 7,000 years BC. Early Egyptian records show that its culture was beginning to resemble the Pharaonic ages from around 5,500 BC. The "Old" Predynastic, or Amratian period, started around 4500 BC. The first pyramids were built around 2,900 years BC. Cave art in Europe also forms a record of human existence. This has been dated at up to 30,000 years BC. Prior to 30,000 years ago, we must rely on the evidence provided by archaeologists, paleo-anthropologists, geologists and others. There are physical records of modern humans dating back to around 200,000 years ago.
It would be 2020 Actually 2,155 years have passed since the year 146 BC.
About 20,000 years ago. I read it off of Wikipedia. There have been many ice ages over the past 2.4 billion years. The present ice age started about 2.6 million years ago although there have been many warm periods,(interglacials), during that time, we are in one now.
The Nile valley shows evidence of occupation for many thousands of years. By about 6000 BCE, organised agriculture and large building construction had appeared. The period from 5500 to 3100 BCE is known as Egypt's Predynastic Period and is followed by the early dynastic period. A continuous record of Egyptian civilisation begins with the early dynastic period.
How many years after Luther’s criticism did Galileo begin to study planets?
About 500 years ago.
In Italy many years ago.
41 years
about 120 years ago
The bible was written over a period of 1500 years.
262 in leap years that begin on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 261 in leap years that begin on Sunday or Friday and regular years that begin on any weekday 260 in any year that begins on a Saturday and regular years that begin on Sunday
Twenty years
2 years after
4.567 million years ago
Over 2,000.