2012-1896=116 years. So it has been 116 years
2012 - 1896 = 116 years.
From 1896-1992 there were 24 leap years.
The Olympics started thousands of years ago, and they were brought back in 1896.
Well, the ancient olympics began in 776(b.c)and the modern olympics began in 1896. Both started in greece.
Update! It's now 2021, and it has been 125 years since 1896.
Atens Greece more than 2500 years ago
they were held in 1896 in Athens, 119 years ago.
38 years ago
13010 years ago
42 years ago
Well, honey, if you're asking how many years ago 5000 years ago was, the answer is pretty straightforward. 5000 years ago was, surprise surprise, 5000 years ago. Time may fly, but math is pretty consistent.
fourscore and seven years ago means 87 years ago