The Athenian Acropolis is a rock, and naturally cost nothing. We don't know the cost of the various buildings (mainly Erechtheion, Parthenon and temple of Nike). A guesstimate of the Parthenon is 700-800 talents.
There were no cars in ancient times in Greece.
not available
The period of time we would refer to as 'ancient' in Greece spans several centuries, and just as the cost of a good suit is several times higher today than it was 100 years ago, the price of a chiton would have varied across time. And of course there were probably the equivalent of "designer labels" and "discount store brands" even in those days. I have seen the value of one tetradrachma compared to 73 cents today, but since it was 230 grains of silver (almost half a troy ounce), its buying power 2000 or 2500 years ago would have been significant. I would guess that one silver tetradrachma would have purchased a very nice tunic.
It did not cost to get into the Colisseum in Rome, usually a rich person in Rome would pay for everyone to come with their own money so it was usually a treat.
If you mean to construct the theater, its impossible to estimate due to the differences in monetary value. If you mean the price to enter the theater, it was nothing. Ancient performances were free to all.
There were no cars in ancient times in Greece.
about fifteen silver pieces per week (a stalk)
It cost nothing to enter the Circus Maximus. All public entertainment was free in ancient Rome.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (The "Mormon" church) never reveals the total cost of any of it's temples, but each is a multimillion dollar project.
How much does education cost in Greece
how much will it cost to ship a car from greece to uk
it cost 1p to build this building
The cost to build a house is completely dependent on what you are looking to build. If you are looking to build along the water it will cost more.
It cost about 300 million dollars to build your welcome
It cost about 9,000 pounds to build a Spitfire.
The cost to build a house in Virginia varies depending on the size of the house. Some houses can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to build.