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Denarii were coins used in Roman times. The value in modern times varies greatly depending on the condition it is in and who is intending to buy it.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The worth of currency around the world is currently changing. As of August 11, 2014 one Denar is worth ,02 cents in US Dollars.

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How much did the Romans get paid in pounds?

i think it was about 60 - 90 pound which was high back then but i don't no what it was in denarii

How much did a slave cost in Rome?

Slaves were slaves, they were not paid. At least not a salary. Slaves received tips and gifts and at certain times of the year, such as the Saturnalia, they received either a bonus or a gift. The urban domestic slaves received more in the way of compensation than the country farm workers as they were in closer contact with the master and his family and their services were often rewarded more frequently than those of the rural slave.

How much was a denarii?

A denarius was a Roman silver coin containing about 3 grams or 3.9 grams of pure silver. It's difficult to give its present day worth because its value would depend on the price of silver today. To find an exact answer, you would have to check the precious metal prices in the financial pages of your daily newspaper.

How much was 1000 dollars worth in Ancient Rome?

Your question cannot be answered completely because ancient Rome had no coin comparable to our dollar. Remember too, that the Roman coins were of pure metals. For example a denarius had 3 grams of pure silver and would be worth about $300 dollars today. This was one day's pay for an unskilled worker and it certainly was not valued as we would value it today. Using the denarius as a marker, a thousand dollars would be worth 3 denarii and 5 1/2 asses, or thereabouts depending on the price of silver at present. But remember, this is in present day values, the ancients had much lower values for their coins.

What currency did romans use?

Well I don't know much about coinage but ill try and help: This was in about 50-100 AD by the way: 1 pound 1 unit, about a labourers daily wage 5 pounds 4 sesterciis 100 pounds 100 sestercii or 25 denarii 1p 1 quarter of a sestercii There were probably more, and don't trust my spelling either. This should help you, and make it eisier to find out more.