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The Roman Empire mostly consisted of the part of Europe bordered by the Rhine and Danube, North Africa including Egypt and much of the Middle East.

For more info see This site has a map of the roman Empire and much more information

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Q: How much land did Ancient Greece conquer?
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How much did the ancient physicians make in ancient Greece?

i have no clue goodbye

Was it easy to grow crops in ancient Greece?

Much of Greek land is rocky with poor soil. As a result, barley was preferred to wheat as it produced more grain.

Why ancient Greece had scarcity?

it had a scarity because in the begining of Greece they did not have much food that's why they had a scarcity

How many gods were there in Ancient Greece?

as much as i know 12

What is the difference between Greece men and Greece women?

Men in ancient Greece were treated much better then women.Men were given rights to own land,speak for themselves in court,and most importantly were able to participate in government,voting.Women though, did anything their husband told them to.