

How old are hominds?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Date back to the Tertiary Period of the Cenezoic Era.

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Q: How old are hominds?
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How are hominids different from monkeys and apes?

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What do all hominds have in common?

All hominids share the characteristic of bipedalism, meaning they walk upright on two legs. Additionally, they all possess large brains in comparison to other animals, allowing for complex thought and behavior. Finally, they have some form of social structure and communication systems to interact with one another.

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old is 50+ and very old (old old) is 80+.

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a old person is qualified to be old when there over the age of 60 years old.

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Old is twice as old as young was when old was half as old as young will be when young is 3 times as old as old was when old was 3 times as old as young Their ages total 48 How old is old?

The original question was too long to copy in. It was: "The sum of the ages of Old and Young is 48. Old is twice as old as young was when old was half as old as young will be when young is three times as old as old was when old was three times as old as young How old is old?" There is a rather strenuous algebraic solution.The answer is :Old is 30, Young is 18When Old was 18, Young was 6; when Old was 27 (1/2 of 54), Young was 15, and Old is twice that.If you change the sum to 32, then the ages become 20 and 12.When Old was 12, Young was 4; when Old was 18 (1/2 of 36), Young was 10.In each case, Old is always 5/3 as old as Young and 5/8 of the sum.

How old is crazymonkeys120?

You are 0 years old. You are 5 months old. You are 20 weeks old. You are 135 days old. You are 3,252 hours old