15 years old
An exact age cannot be determined, as this is mythology and not literal history.
Charlemagne became King of the Franks in 768 when he was 26 years old and he reigned till his death on January 28, 814.
Alexander The Great
Ptolemy was the name of Cleopatra's ruling family. The name was handed down from one of Alexander's generals, Ptolemy Soter, who became king of Egypt in about 304 BC.
he was 20 years old when he became a king
Alexander the Great became king when his father, Philippo II King of Macedonia, was killed by his guard's captain, a man called Pausanias. Alexander was 18 when it happened.
he became king at the age of 20, and died at the age of 33.
He became king and commander when he was 20.
Pella but the old capital was Aegae.
alexander the great became king when his father died in 336 B.C.E
Alexander the Great became a King of Macedonia at age of 20 when his father was assassinated in 336 AD.
Alexander III became King
when he defeat the king darius 3
Pharaoh means king. Alexander by conquering Egypt became it's king = pharaoh.
he was 8 years old when he became king