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Theseus is a legendary king, possibly based on a real person, but because of the fantastic nature of his birth (he had two fathers, one of whom was Poseidon), no date of birth is given. Without that, there is no way to know how old he was when he died. He would have been relatively young though, because his son Acamus was present at the Battle of Troy, but he was not, meaning he was already dead (as he was definitely one of Helen's suitors, he tried to kidnap her for himself when she was younger).

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Theseus was 18

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Greek myth does not say.

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There are no date on the ancient Greek religion and the stories belonging to it. Robert Graves, the historian, argues that the Theseus stories might reflect similar occurrences about 1400 BC.

How old is the myth of Theseus and Minotaur?

There are no date on the ancient Greek religion and the stories belonging to it. Robert Graves, the historian, argues that the Theseus stories might reflect similar occurrences about 1400 BC.

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