BC years are counted down. For example: 312 BC, 311 BC, 310 BC... and so on until you reach 0, and then it turns from 0 to 1 AD, 2 AD, 3 AD, and so forth. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Actually the BC years originally were counting in ascending order until 395 AD/ CE year that the Emperor Theodosius I the Great issued the decree that forbid the Olympic Games. The ancient world had as counting base the Olympic Games and the Olympiads - the 4 years period between two Olympic Games. There were counted approximately 290 Olympiads since they were introduced in 776 BCE. Several adjustments occurred in the course of time. The major one that survived to current days is the Julian calendar - still in use by the Eastern Greek Orthodox Church - which was introduced and adopted in 46 BCE and until 8 AD/ CE was monitored and fine tuned. This calendar was amended by the Pope Gregory XIII on the 24th of February 1582. The numbering of the years as we understand the term today was set and agreed in 412 AD/ CE. That is the reason that leaves a gap of 4 to 7 years since there is not a year 0 [zero].
51BC-13 January 47 BC. (4 years) Alongside ptolemy XIII Alongside ptolemy XIV- 13 January 47 BC - 44 BC ( 3 years) 2 September 44 BC - 12 August 30 BC ( alongside ceasarion) ( 14 years, 21 days) P.S this can also be search up at wikipedia.com
Writing systems go back more than to around 4,100 years BC. However, simple tokens, the precursors to writing, have been dated to around 7,000 years BC. Early Egyptian records show that its culture was beginning to resemble the Pharaonic ages from around 5,500 BC. The "Old" Predynastic, or Amratian period, started around 4500 BC. The first pyramids were built around 2,900 years BC. Cave art in Europe also forms a record of human existence. This has been dated at up to 30,000 years BC. Prior to 30,000 years ago, we must rely on the evidence provided by archaeologists, paleo-anthropologists, geologists and others. There are physical records of modern humans dating back to around 200,000 years ago.
Although she struggled with her brother for power from about 50 BC, Cleopatra was not established as the sole ruler of Egypt until the spring of 47 BC. This was because she had allied herself with Julius Caesar and the force of Rome to back her up. She died in 30 BC. So she actually ruled for about 17 years.
years were numbered to count backward to indicate the number of years an event had occurred “before Christ” or “B.C.”
Oh, dude, the 3rd century BC was like, around 2,200 years ago. Yeah, it's ancient history, like way before smartphones and avocado toast. So, if you were planning on meeting up with someone from the 3rd century BC, you might want to check if they're still alive first.
BC= stands for Befor Christ(count down) AD= stands for nAnno Domini(in the year of the lord) You know when years counted down right? Well that is BC. Then AD is when the years count up. When the abbreviations are the same then subtract(-) if they are different the add(+) 500 BC And 500 AD its 1,000 years! Now do you get it? If you still dont get it.... ASK YOUR TEACHER!
In terms of "BC" years, 750 BC is 50 years after 800 BC because BC years count down from the year before, instead of up like we currendly do in AD. For example, if this year were 2009 BC, next year would be 2008 BC.
I think up
Used normally, the years go down. So that if someone was born in 50 BC they would have their tenth birthday in 40 BC, and would be 80 years old if they were still alive in 30 AD. Remember, the people of the time didn't use BC.... they would have referred to years as "the 5th year of the reing of King...." , or "Ten years after the death of ......" referring to some noted personality.
depends when it changes
B.C. years are like negative numbers on a numberline counting down then counting up again once it hits A.D. (A.D. years are positive numbers on a number line)
Well, let's do some math! So in BC the years went down. So it went from 200BC to 100BC to BC. So from 535BC it has been 535 years to year 0. From there numbers go up in AD. So from 0AD to 2010AD it has been 2010 years. Therefore 535+2010=2545 years! It has been 2545 years since 535 BC
The votes are counted in 4 years on November 4. President Obama is this year's president. The votes are counted in 4 years on November 4. President Obama is this year's president.
51BC-13 January 47 BC. (4 years) Alongside ptolemy XIII Alongside ptolemy XIV- 13 January 47 BC - 44 BC ( 3 years) 2 September 44 BC - 12 August 30 BC ( alongside ceasarion) ( 14 years, 21 days) P.S this can also be search up at wikipedia.com
The years leading up to the birth of Christ are in descending order because the closer you get to this time the smaller the number. 800 BC would be 800 years before He was born. 799, 500, 325, 100, and 6 BC all would be closer and closer to His birth. Think of it as a count down.
There are 30 years from 20 BC to 10 AD. This is true because it goes 20 to 0 to 10, adding up to 30.
1034 years is 10.34 centuries. 1034 AD is in the 11th century AD 1034 BC is in the 11th century BC The first century AD was the years 1 AD to 100 AD The second century AD was the years 101 AD to 200 AD etc. The first century BC was the years 100 BC to 1 BC The second century BC was the years 200 BC to 101 BC etc There was no year 0 as zero did not exist as a concept when Dionysius Exiguus set up the "modern" calendar dates in the year designated 247 Anno Diocletiani which he calculated as 531 years after the birth of Jesus and so designated 531 AD, from which all our dates then follow on. (Zero was invented around 1100 AD).