

Best Answer

By Zeus who impregnated Danaeas a golden shower.

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Q: How was Perseus conceived?
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Definitely not- she was Perseus' wife. The mother of Perseus was Danae.

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Who is Perseus's grandfather?

Perseus's grandfather is Acrisius.

Why did perseus father send him away?

Perseus father did not send him anywhere.Perseus father was Zeus and his mother was princess Danaë. Danaë's father, king Acrisius, had been told by an oracle, that if he got a grandson Acrisius wold be killed by him. So he locked his daughter in a windowless tower in order to prevent her from meeting any man. But Zeus, being divine got in and fathered Perseus. Acrisius was frightened and sent Danaë and the baby out on the sea in a leaky boat. But they landed on an island and the story started.