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Q: How was life 2000000000 years ago?
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What are facts about life 100 years ago?

There are many places to find facts about life 100 years ago. You could find facts about life 100 years ago in a library.

How many years ago did aboriginal life happen?

about 10,000 years ago

How many million years ago was there a sign of animal life?

there was animal life 4.8 million years ago

Life appeared on earth about 100 years ago?

are you serious? Life started billions of years ago!!! dinosaurs were on the earth millions ago, the aboriginals lived in Australia for about 60 000 years ago and the English and dutch 'discovered' Australia just over 200 years ago. Life appeared well over 100 years ago.

How many years ago did life on earth begin?

4.567 million years ago

Equivalent of 2000000000 second in one year?

2000000000 seconds is equivalent to 63 years 5 months 1 day 1 hour 33 minutes 20 seconds.

What is 2000000000 - 10000000?

2000000000 - 10000000 = 1990000000

How old is jasmin v?

i think jasmin v. is about 18 years old i think

How many people visit The Statue of David yearly?

2000000000 2000000000

What was life life 100 years ago?

i think life 100 years ago was more diffuclt because you had to do more work and there was not enough time to play. one other reason might be that there was no xboxs or other video gqmes back there 100 years ago.

How much is 2000000000 pounds x 37.16?

2000000000 x 37.16 = 74,320,000,000

Why was no life present before 2.5million years ago?

Actually, life has been around a while. The dinosaurs, for instance, lived 65 million years ago.