Direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly. for more reed this article (remove the star in the link) htt*ps://
they helped each other
oilgarch monarchy democracy
a democracy government is what the Aztecs had in grees just, like the United States of America has a democracy government.
One reason city-states shifted to democracy was because the people wanted a say in the government. They wanted to be able to vote on laws.
The democracy in ancient Athens was a direct democracy. The democracy in the United States was a representative democracy.
would it be better for the United States to have a direct democracy
No, a direct democracy could always be possible, though largely impracticable in larger states.
Representative. We vote for people to represent us.
There are no officials in a direct democracy, in a direct democracy all citizens vote on all the issues, unlike a representative or an indirect democracy (which is what the united states is). In a indirect democracy citizens of voting age who are registered to vote elect officials.
Direct Democracy, Representative Democracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Theocracy, Oligarchy, Anarchy and Tyranny. These are the forms of government that all Greek city-states had.
NO. The United States is a representative democracy and its Constitution gives no provisions for direct democracy.
A direct democracy is where the citizens meet regularly in assembly and make the decisions, which are implemented by a council. Many of the Greek city-states adopted it.
This is a Democracy. It is what form of government that used in the United States of America. It's a style of government that is characterized by direct involvement of the people.
James Madison, in Federalist No. 10 advocates a constitutional republic over direct democracy precisely to protect the individual from the will of the majority.
yes it has direct democracy. Direct democracy is one in which people directly participate in state affairs. It was practiced in Ancient Greek city states. India being a large country cannot practice direct democracy, but in gram sabha of India is present. Further Indirect Democracy is divided in two types. i.e Presidential democracy & Parlimentary democracy. Presidential democracy is practised in U.S where as Parlimentary democracy is practised in India.