The Pharaoh was important because in the ancient Egyptian times there Pharaoh was like there king or queen.
She was pharaoh/queen. She made desicions, passed laws, and ruled over Ancient Egypt. She was very important.
Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last pharaoh (Queen) of the Egyptian era.The role of a pharaoh is to send/receive messages from the gods of their time. They also played a big role in the construction of many of their buildings Such as the pyramid.
King Tutankhamun was famous for the discovery of his tomb. However, he was not a very important pharaoh. Important pharaohs(important because of trade,monuments, religion, war and stability) are pharaohs such as Hatshepsut, Akhenaten, Ramses ii, Tuthmosis iii, etc.
The pharaoh played a high role in society.
The Pharaoh was important because in the ancient Egyptian times there Pharaoh was like there king or queen.
He was a phoraoh
She was pharaoh/queen. She made desicions, passed laws, and ruled over Ancient Egypt. She was very important.
The pharaoh always had to make sure that he had his empire was in shape.
Yes because the Pharaoh was supposed to be a role model
He was their spiritual leader.
He was their spiritual leader.
He was their spiritual leader.
he was a pharaoh that built the largest pyramid.
Cleopatra was important because she was the last pharaoh. THATS what mad her important. Nothing else.