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By 146 BCE Rome had conquered both Africa and most of Italy. They developed two Provinces; one in Africa where they ancient city of Carthage was and one in Sicily.

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Q: In 146 which two Roman provinces were created?
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What was the difference between senatorial and imperial provinces?

Oh, dude, it's like this - senatorial provinces were controlled by the Roman Senate, while imperial provinces were under the direct control of the emperor. So, it's kind of like the Senate had their own little sandbox to play in, and the emperor had his own bigger sandbox with all the cool toys. But hey, at the end of the day, they were all just provinces in the Roman Empire, am I right?

What are two lasting government inventions of askia the great?

Departments of the government and provinces with loyal governors

Which Roman Emperor divided the Roman empire into east and west?

Emperor Diocletian, who created a tetrarchy to more effectively govern the Roman world. It consisted of two senior emperors (augustii) and two junior emperors (caesars), with the western capital based in Rome and the eastern capital in what would be Constantinople.

Why did Darius divide the empire into two provinces?

he divide the empire into two provinces because King Darius appointed Satraps or governors to rule various provinces in his empire for easier governance. By appointing Satraps, he was free from mundane daily bureaucratic issues of ruling an empire that streched from the northern borders of India, the entire Middle East and all the way to Libya and parts of Greece.

The major power struggles in the early roman republic were between?

The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.

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Which two roman provinces were created?

Spain and Carthaginian

In 1900 how many provinces and territories were there?

In 1900 Canada had seven provinces and two territories. Two more provinces were created in 1905.

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The two new provinces were Marcomannia and Sarmatia.

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Three provinces, in fact, were created by the Government of Canada in the West. The Province of Manitoba was created on July 15, 1870, and the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were created on September 1, 1905.

Did roman consuls rule conquered land?

The counsuls did not rule the territories or provinces while they were in office. It was the senate that ruled some provinces. The senate did this by appointing ex-counsuls as governors. There were two types of provinces, the senatorial provinces and the imperial provinces. The senate had control over their provinces while the emperor had control of the imperial provinces and appointed it's governors and officials.

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Two divided by 146 is ~0.013698630137

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On the day of Confederation (July 1, 1867) two provinces were created. Pursuant to section 6 of the British North America Act (now the Constitution Act) the pre-Confederation Province of Canada was severed into the Province of Ontario and the Province of Québec. The Province of Manitoba was created on July 15, 1870. The Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were created on September 1, 1905. All other provinces joined as colonies.

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Munster and Leinster are two of Ireland's four provinces.

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