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Q: In Ancient Rome which type of assembly could declare war?
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Why is ancient rome underground?

There was Ancient Rome before present day Rome right? So - eventually, Ancient Rome started slipping away and archeologists just built over Anciet Rome. That kept happening until they had present day Rome and Ancient Rome - but Ancient Rome was underground

When was Ancient Rome was founded?

Ancient Rome was founded in 753 B.C.E.

Did ancient rome have any TVs?

No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.

Is pathenon in rome ancient?

I think you mean the "parthenon". That is in Athens, not Rome. It is ancient and was built by the ancient Greeks.

How does artist from ancient Greece contrast to ancient rome?

Ancient rome were anonymous, poorly paid workers.

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In Rome which type of assembly could declare war?


What roman government body could declare was or negotiate peace terms?

In ancient Rome whether to declare war or not was debated in the senate. The issue was then referred to the Assembly of the Soldiers, which voted on war and peace.

What could declare war in ancient Rome?

They usually did war in a place where people could see and be entertained.

Who declared them self dictator in rome?

No one could declare himself a dictator in ancient Rome. A dictator was appointed by the senate.No one could declare himself a dictator in ancient Rome. A dictator was appointed by the senate.No one could declare himself a dictator in ancient Rome. A dictator was appointed by the senate.No one could declare himself a dictator in ancient Rome. A dictator was appointed by the senate.No one could declare himself a dictator in ancient Rome. A dictator was appointed by the senate.No one could declare himself a dictator in ancient Rome. A dictator was appointed by the senate.No one could declare himself a dictator in ancient Rome. A dictator was appointed by the senate.No one could declare himself a dictator in ancient Rome. A dictator was appointed by the senate.No one could declare himself a dictator in ancient Rome. A dictator was appointed by the senate.

Assembly of citizens that helped manage the government in ancient Rome?

The Centuriate Assembly, the Tribal Assembly, the Plebeian Assembly.

What does assembly mean in ancient rome?

Assembly in ancient Rome meant the same as an assembly means today. An assembly is a gathering. The gathering or assembly can be for various purposes, such as voting, studying, watching a slide show, etc.Assembly in ancient Rome meant the same as an assembly means today. An assembly is a gathering. The gathering or assembly can be for various purposes, such as voting, studying, watching a slide show, etc.Assembly in ancient Rome meant the same as an assembly means today. An assembly is a gathering. The gathering or assembly can be for various purposes, such as voting, studying, watching a slide show, etc.Assembly in ancient Rome meant the same as an assembly means today. An assembly is a gathering. The gathering or assembly can be for various purposes, such as voting, studying, watching a slide show, etc.Assembly in ancient Rome meant the same as an assembly means today. An assembly is a gathering. The gathering or assembly can be for various purposes, such as voting, studying, watching a slide show, etc.Assembly in ancient Rome meant the same as an assembly means today. An assembly is a gathering. The gathering or assembly can be for various purposes, such as voting, studying, watching a slide show, etc.Assembly in ancient Rome meant the same as an assembly means today. An assembly is a gathering. The gathering or assembly can be for various purposes, such as voting, studying, watching a slide show, etc.Assembly in ancient Rome meant the same as an assembly means today. An assembly is a gathering. The gathering or assembly can be for various purposes, such as voting, studying, watching a slide show, etc.Assembly in ancient Rome meant the same as an assembly means today. An assembly is a gathering. The gathering or assembly can be for various purposes, such as voting, studying, watching a slide show, etc.

What is a asssembly of Roman citizens who governed Rome called?

There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.

Did consuls were elected directly by the people of rome?

The counsuls of ancient Rome were not elected directly by the people. They were elected by the Centuriate Assembly. this assembly also elected the praetors and censors. Membership in this assembly was determined by wealth and age.

Is it true that no one could be ancient Rome in a battle?

It's true that only Ancient Rome were themselves.

What does civic duty mean in ancient Rome?

-vote in elections.. -attend assembly meeings

What are the wars of ancient rome called?

I think you need to be way more specific. "Ancient Rome" could be classed from its founding in 753BC to the fall of Rome in 476AD.

What were people called who could write in ancient rome?

People who could write in ancient Rome we called either a scriptor, an auctor, or a scriba. A scriba connoted a professional writer.