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In The Bible, the good Samaritan is about a man who was beaten up by "thugs" and left to die on the side of the road. People pass by only to leave him there, one of which was a priest. Finally a man came along him and helped him into the next town. There, the good Samaritan paid for him to be cleaned and to recover in an inn all at the Samaritan's expense. the beaten man wanted to repay him but he had no money and the Samaritan said he did not need to pay.

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Cameron Sanford

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10y ago

The Samaritans were a group of people who lived in Samaria, what had been the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The society itself was mixed racially, containing both Jewish and pagan blood lines. Those who lived in the time of Jesus were monotheistic (believed in one God) and even shared some elements of Judaism, but did not follow all the strictures of the Jewish faith. Because of this and also because of their pagan ancestry, Jews disliked Samaritans.

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4y ago

In the parable of the good Samaritan, two high-status individuals pass by the injured man, refusing their obligation to help, and then the Samaritan comes by and helps. The Samaritan was the despised outsider from the perspective of the audience, the person they least expected to offer help. Telling the parable to a modern audience on today's right wing, we might cast a Black Lives Matter demonstrator as the Samaritan. Telling the parable to a modern audience on today's left, perhaps a man in a MAGA hat would put down his assault rifle and rush over to give aid. Then, as now, the parable is an answer to the question "who is my neighbor" in the context of the commandment to "love your neighbor as yourself."

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Q: In Jesus' day what was a samaritans?
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Why did people hate the ancient samaritans?

Generally, the ancient samaritans were hated by the Jews and the Greeks. To the Jews, Greeks were "Gentiles", meaning that they were not Jews. Therefore, they were polytheistic (they believed in more than one god) and unclean. To marry a Gentile would be a heinous crime in the Jewish community. Samaritans were generally Jews and Greeks that were intermarried. Once this was found out, both individuals (the Jew and the Greek) would be cast out of their own communities, forcing Samaritans to build their own towns and cities. To sum it up, a Jew would be hated for marrying a Gentile for the above-listed reasons, and Greeks would also be hated for marrying out of their polytheistic religion.

What day of the week was Nisan 14 AD 30?

The Jewish day starts at Sundown where the rest of the Calendars assume Midnight. If Wednesday is the day of Nisan 14, it would be Wednesday evening, which is when Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples (also known as the last supper). Jesus was THE Lamb of God slain for us on the day of Passover (Thursday) giving up His spirit at approximately 1500 hours, and His interment was prior to Sunset (Nisan 15 - beginning of Friday) which was the Feast of unleavened bread, a Holy Convocation. This was followed by Nisan 16 at Sunset (Saturday) a regular weekly Sabbath. At Sunset Saturday was the beginning of the first day of the week, Sunday, the DAY on which Jesus rose, the 17th of Nisan. The 17th would be the Feast of First Fruits. IF you have followed this, then you clearly see that Jesus fulfilled the ONLY SIGN given (Matthew 12:29-30), the sign of Jonah = 3 days & 3 nights in the heart of the earth ~

Was jesus the most important man in history?

well kinda god is the most important cuz he made the world and us and land and water and nite and day and animals and trees but that list can go on fore ever. but god is 3 in 1 and 1 in three god,jesus, and the holy spirit hoped that helped

What happened in 32 C.E.?

In 32 CE, Jesus of Nazareth was executed by the Roman government. A few days later He came back to life, and about six weeks later He ascended into Heaven, where He still lives and from where He will return to Earth some day. Later in 32 CE Jesus' apostle Peter became the first Pope.

What was the fall of the Greek gods?

the birth of Jesus Christ. the birth of Jesus Christ.

Related questions

Which religious group in Jesus' day didn't take part in Temple worship?

The Samaritans. See link below for more info.

Who are some modern day samaritans?

There are 751 modern day Samaritans. They live mostly in Tel Aviv and surrounding areas and they speak Hebrew and Arabic. The Samaritans prefer the term Isrealites to describe themselves.

Was Jesus' mother Mary a Samaritan?

AnswerThe gospels say that Joseph and Mary were Jews, not Samaritans.

How is the audience that Paul addresses different from the people Jesus addressed?

Jesus mostly met with Jews, and on rare occasions with Samaritans. Paul went primarily to the Gentiles.

What do you name people when they help people?

Good Samaritans, Carers, Nice people, Stewards etc.They are called good citizens.God and Jesus.

At the time of Jesus why did people look down at the samaritans?

Mainly as they were not Jews and believed in idol worship, and their beliefs were wrong according to the Jewish one.

Who gave jesus water?

In the bible there is a story of Jesus sitting at a well in midday , and as the disciples had gone out. A Samaritan women came to draw water at noon, as it was a custom in those days the Jews collected water in the morning or in the evenings, but the afternoon was given to the Samaritans. As the samaritans worshiped idols the Jews considered then outcasts.

What was the historical background of the woman at the well?

The Samaritans were the inhabitants of Samaria. They were of mixed Jewish and heathen descent. The Samaritans claimed descent from Jacob, and looked on themselves as true Israelites. A mountain in Samaria, Mount Gerizim had been adopted as their official place of worship. The Jews had a deep dislike for the Samaritans. They considered them half-breeds. That is why this woman said to the Lord Jesus, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?"

Were the Samaritans marginalized in Jesus' time?

Yes, they were. It is known that people really would cross the Jordan to the east bank and bypass Samaria on the way to and from Galilee and Judea.

Who are the Samaritans today?

Luke 10:25-37 Its not that Samaritans help, per se, it's that the people Jesus was telling the story to (the Jews) disliked the Samaritans and considered them bad people (i.e. not likely to help a down trodden person.) In the story, a man is rob and beaten. The priest and temple boy (the people who the target audience (the Jews) would assume go to heaven) pass the man in need on the other side of the street; however, the "villainous" Samaritans helps the guy out. The premise is "Love your neighbor" and you go to heaven.

What sort of people did Jesus mix with?

Jesus mixed with a wide range of people, including sinners, tax collectors, lepers, Samaritans, and the poor. He showed love and compassion to all, regardless of their social status, and emphasized the importance of inclusivity and forgiveness in his teachings.

What is the motto of Samaritans of Singapore?

The motto of Samaritans of Singapore is 'To be an available lifeline to anyone in crisis.'.