In Ancient Greece there were city states that had a variety of political systems like democratic [Athens at Classical Era], oligarchy [Thebes], monarchy [Sparta, Macedonia, Epirus, Thrace etc..]
Mesopotamia is called the cradle of civilization because it was the first region to have civilization. Greece is called the cradle of democracy because it was one of the first places to have voting and other qualities of democracies. A 7th grade student
480 to 404 BC was called the Golden age of Athens or the Age of Pericles
Um, maybe the Poseis or the Poseidos
Ancient Greece was split into several cities, the main ones being Athens and Sparta. Each city had it's own government. In Athens for the first hundred years it was ruled by a king but soon the Athenians overthrew the kings and created democracy. The leading political figure was Pericles. The time during the democracy was called the golden age of Athens. Soon it's rival Sparta attacked and defeated Athens thus ending this age. the ancient Greeks truly believed in their gods. They had over 20 gods, the king of these gods being Zeus.
Middle class people in ancient Athens were called metics
It was called the Acropolis :-)
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
Athens is still currently called Athens due to the Greek legend that portrays Athena outsmarting Poseidon in a competition for the beautiful city.
If they were male, free and 18 or over, citizens.
The people directly chose their king.
Although Macedonia was larger in Ancient times than it is now, Athens has never been within its borders. At the time, the part of Greece Athens is in was called Hellas.
The acropolis
Ancient Romans are called Romans, after their capital city, just as other ancient peoples were called after their own capitals. Such as Romans from Rome, Alexandrians from Alexandria, Athenians from Athens, Spartans from Sparta, etc. etc. etc.
Chapel Royal
Oratory or Oration
No city-state had that ''title'' but many of the great ancient thinkers were from Athens.