The triangular tombstones of Egyptian pharaohs are called pyramids. When the important people in Egypt die, if they are wealthy enough, they may buy a pyramid as a grave marker. Most people in ancient Egypt could not afford a pyramid so instead they were simply buried in the sand of the Sahara.
The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to be buried properly. A proper burial would allow them to live again in the after live. Thus, most people who could afford to, spent a lot of time and effort making sure that they would be buried well. Most ordinary ancient Egyptians were probably buried in the desert. Their relatives would wrap their body in a simple cloth and bury it with some everyday objects and food.
Ancient Egyptians stoped building pyramids mainly because of grave robbers. Since there were jewelry and valuable things, it attracted lots of grave robbers. They then made false passageways in the pyramids, but that didn't stop the robbers. Instead the Egyptians came up with the idea of making tombs.Ancient Egyptians did not stop building pyramids mainly because of grave robbers. They just quit believing in an afterlife. It had nothing to do with robbers.Because they stopped having divine rulers (rulers supposedly appointed by the gods)There were no more Pharaohs and there was no need for them to be put in tombs.
On the day of the funeral the body was placed on a portable bed, which in turn was placed on two long poles, this was a litter which was traditionally carried by eight men carried to the forumas part of the funerary procession, which was followed by several Praeficae (professional mourners) and torchbearers, who were hired by many of the upper class Romans.If the body was to be buried, it was taken to a grave, which had to be outside of the city as required by religion. With cremation, for the poor a pit would be dug and the body would be thrown in, covered with firewood and set aflame. The ashes would be covered with earth. for the rich, the body would be lain down on a ceremonial fire, known as a pyre. When the fire died down, it was doused with wine, and the ashes were collected and placed in an urn.
The grave/pantheon
grave robbers stole the objects then sold them
they got into the museum because the doors were not locked and they opened the door. Stole the tombs
A tomb is a structure that typically is above ground in which the casket is placed. A grave is a hole in the ground in which the casket is placed. A tomb stone is a structure placed above a grave to mark the location of the grave.
Generally the head is placed toward the spot where the grave maker will be placed
a grave
If it was a pyramid it would have to be built, otherwise the tomb would need to be excavated. IT would then be plastered and painted ready for the mummy and grave goods.
The ka.
The triangular tombstones of Egyptian pharaohs are called pyramids. When the important people in Egypt die, if they are wealthy enough, they may buy a pyramid as a grave marker. Most people in ancient Egypt could not afford a pyramid so instead they were simply buried in the sand of the Sahara.
In a place in Egypt that bares his name, it is called Alexandariea .
Grave goods are objects which are buried or cremated with a body. Many cultures have traditions of leaving grave goods, from the modern United States, where mementos are buried with the dead, to ancient Egypt, where high-ranking people were buried with lavish assortment of grave goods. Beliefs about the function of grave goods vary, depending on time and culture.