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In very early times the chariot was used, but by historical Roman times it had been discarded as too vulnerable and ineffective, and too expensive in a small farming country which could not support many horses. In historical times the warship came into use. While Rome was a rising land power in Italy, it did not have a navy. To cover this gap it made and alliance with Carthage which did, but when Carthage became an enemy, Rome had to build its own warships.

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8y ago

The Romans had ox-drawn or horse-drawn carts, and coaches which could carry coach parties. The most common coach was the raeda which was made of wood and was like a high box with a rounded roof. It could carry people and luggage up to a legal limit of 1,000 Romans pounds. There were also the readae meritoriae, which were hired coaches and the raediae fiscalis, which were government coaches.

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12y ago

Chariots--The Roman army did not use chariots. The vehicles that the army used for their baggage and equipment were ox carts. For lighter equipment they used pack mules. A high ranking general, such as Julius Caesar, might also have the use of a carriage.

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14y ago

For goods, they had carts and wagons. For people they had carriages, litters or carrying chairs.

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14y ago

Chariots, horses, ships, and foot.

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Where is the Roman Empire on the Ancient Rome map?

Sure thing. I've added a link to the bottom of this answer that provides a decent map of what used to be the Roman EmpireThis map represents the boundaries that were present under the leadership of Hadrian in about 116 ADBear in mind that Roman boundaries and influence expanded and contracted throughout its history, and that at different times the map of the Roman Empire appeared very differently than the one shown here.

What type of money was used in ancient rome?

well it really depends on how far back you meen in really ancient times people used stones and feather to by things while other used to barter or you might no it as trading however the name of money that people used was commenly called hera.

In ancient Rome what did a man swear on to testify?

Seriously I am not making this up but in ancient rome when a man would testify in court he would swear on his testicles. I don't know why but I know that's what they used to do.

The structure of ancient Rome used for its water systems?

The structure that ancient Rome used for its water system was the aqueduct. From the aqueduct there were holding cisterns and pipes that would divert water to where it was used, such as the baths, private homes or some farms.

Was sand a building material in ancient rome?

Sand was used only to lay the bottom layer of the bed of the stone-paved roads. The Romans used Roman concrete. This type of concrete was different and, unlike modern concrete, sand was not used to make the mix.

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People in ancient rome used tokens.

Italian word for money?

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"Xystus" could be an option for an ancient Rome ABC book. Xystus was a type of open portico used in ancient Roman architecture, typically used for exercise or walking.

How was carbon monoxide used in ancient Rome?

It was used for executions and suicides in early Rome.

What sweetner was used by the ancient rome?

It was honey.

What was gold used for in ancient Rome?

In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!

Where are aqueducts used?

Aqueducts were used back in Ancient Rome

What was fabric used for in ancient Rome?

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There wasn't much difference with the gods. Ancient Rome just used Ancient Greek gods and gave them different names. For example, Zeus was called Jupiter in Ancient Rome.

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What is Rome's public meeting place called?

A basilica was a public meeting place in ancient Rome, but the Forum Romanum or the civic forum was also used for gatherings.A basilica was a public meeting place in ancient Rome, but the Forum Romanum or the civic forum was also used for gatherings.A basilica was a public meeting place in ancient Rome, but the Forum Romanum or the civic forum was also used for gatherings.A basilica was a public meeting place in ancient Rome, but the Forum Romanum or the civic forum was also used for gatherings.A basilica was a public meeting place in ancient Rome, but the Forum Romanum or the civic forum was also used for gatherings.A basilica was a public meeting place in ancient Rome, but the Forum Romanum or the civic forum was also used for gatherings.A basilica was a public meeting place in ancient Rome, but the Forum Romanum or the civic forum was also used for gatherings.A basilica was a public meeting place in ancient Rome, but the Forum Romanum or the civic forum was also used for gatherings.A basilica was a public meeting place in ancient Rome, but the Forum Romanum or the civic forum was also used for gatherings.