their were two main classes of people in ancient Rome the patritians and the plebians.the plebians were the lower class and the patritians were the higher class the plebians included everyone in rome except the nobilty
People of little wealth or standing were commonly called plebians, rich people on the other hand were called Patricians
Ancient Greek rowing ships were called galleys.
The study of ancient people is called Archeology. *correct spelling*
Ancient Turkey was the Ottoman Empire.
Yes, the poor people would work for or be slaves for the rich, the poor people were the plebeians and the rich were called the patricians; the equestrians was another of the classes.
a tyrant
He was called by his name.
working theory
A place in society is called a class. The ancient Romans had people divided into classes such as the patricians, plebeian, equestrian, freedman, etc. In the present day we often refer to groups of people as upper class, middle class or working class.
What branch of earth science studies the great lakers?
Was called a pleb(ian).
They are generally called classes.
Brahmans taught that a well-organized society was divided into 4 different classes called the Caste System
Historically, Southerners who supported reconstruction were often called scalawags.
What were coloniests that supported the dependence called?
A testable explanation that is supported or refuted is called a hypothesis.
An Egyptian noble is called a "nobleman" or "noblewoman." They were individuals from elite social classes in ancient Egyptian society who held positions of power and influence.