The god of the sky Zeus gets angry and throws them to kill people who anger him.
In Greek mythology Zeus holds and controls the lighting, Poseidon holds the Trident.
The king of the Greek gods was Zeus, god of the sky, thunder and lightning, law, order and justice. His main symbols were the lightning bolt, the eagle, the bull and the oak.
Zeus was the chief god, as well as being the god of lightning and the skies.
The Roman god of thunderbolts is actually known as the God of the Skies and is called Jupiter. The Greek version is known as Zeus. He is the king of Olympus in Greek Mythology, but I'm not to sure about Roman Mythology.
In Greek mythology, thunderstorms were believed to start whenever the god of the sky, Zeus, became angry. He would unleash his lightning bolt down at the earth to signal his anger and show his power.
Greek mythology derives from legends and stories. There is not a Greek word for a lightning bolt. Electricity was nothing to Greeks during their time.
No, Zeus is a figure in Greek mythology and does not exist in reality. Lightning strikes are a natural phenomenon caused by electrical discharge in the atmosphere, and they can affect anyone in an area where a lightning storm is occurring.
In Greek mythology Zeus holds and controls the lighting, Poseidon holds the Trident.
It was a way of explaining things like lightning, used by the ancient Greek's
The king of the Greek gods was Zeus, god of the sky, thunder and lightning, law, order and justice. His main symbols were the lightning bolt, the eagle, the bull and the oak.
In Greek mythology, Zeus is associated with thunder and lightning, so the lightning bolt is a symbol of his power and authority over the sky and storms. It represents his control over the forces of nature and his ability to strike down his enemies with powerful and destructive force.
The cyclops made the lightning bolts for Zeus.
he is the leader of all the gods and the god of thunder and lightning
Lightening comes from self raising flour . However LIGHTNING is a discharge in the atmosphere of static electricity .
Zeus was the king of the Greek gods in Ancient Greek mythology and was known for his weapon of choice, the lightning bolt.
Zeus was the king of the Greek gods in Ancient Greek mythology and was known for his weapon of choice, the lightning bolt.
They are absolutely everywhere. Read a fantasy book, it will no doubt have tons of Greek mythology references, the series of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief contains numerous references to Greek Mythology.