Adidas was the goddess of athletics and victory. Some say that is how the shoe brand came to be.Not true, there is no such God/Godess as Adidas. The Greek Goddess Nike was the goddess of victory.
Since the Greek gods and goddesses were from long ago there is no Greek god or goddess of sports but if meaning like the Olympics it would be Zeus because, the Olympics were dedicated to him. Above is one idea. Here is another idea Nike is the Greek goddess victory and the one that many consider to be the Greek Goddess of sports.
A god is male and a goddess is female
Jupiter: god of the sky, Juno: goddess of marriage, Minerva: goddess of strategy, Mars: god of war, Venus ; goddess of beauty, Neptune: god of the sea, Pluto: god of the underworld, Vulcan: god of fire, Diana: goddess of the hunt, Vesta: goddess of the hearth
Adidas was the goddess of athletics and victory. Some say that is how the shoe brand came to be.Not true, there is no such God/Godess as Adidas. The Greek Goddess Nike was the goddess of victory.
Since the Greek gods and goddesses were from long ago there is no Greek god or goddess of sports but if meaning like the Olympics it would be Zeus because, the Olympics were dedicated to him. Above is one idea. Here is another idea Nike is the Greek goddess victory and the one that many consider to be the Greek Goddess of sports.
He was not a goddess but a god. The god of wine.
I think you're asking what a God and Goddess is. A God is a thing or person that you worship, and a Goddess is a female God.
Zeus is the head of the Greek pantheon; he has no god or goddess. He is a god, the chief god as it were.
she is a goddess. she is the goddess of wisdom and war.
No.There isn't a god or goddess of puppets.
A god is male and a goddess is female
well there was 12 main gods and goddesses (the Olympians) they were Zeus- god of the sky / king of the gods Hera- goddess of marriage / queen of the gods Poseidon- god of the sea / god of earthquakes Aphrodite- goddess of love / goddess of beauty Hephaestus- god of the forge / god of fire Athena- goddess of wisdom / goddess of strategy Ares- god of war / god of blood thirst Hermes- god of travelers / god of thieves Artemis- goddess of the hunt / goddess of virginity Apollo- god of music / god of poetry Hades- god of the Underworld Demeter- goddess of fertility / goddess of crops
a goddess