He was the son of Zeus, and another goddess I'm not sure of, I think Hera threw Heracles (Greek) also named Hercules, but original name was Heracles, off the side of Olympus because she was jealous.
Hercules was a greek god he was turned a god by zeus when hercules burned himself zeus thoght he sufferd enogh and made him the god of heros
Hercules is a demigod (which means 'half-god') as his father (Zeus) was a god and his mother (Alcmene) was mortal.
Hercules is mixed between mortal and god, he is the son of Zeus/Jupiter (God) and Alcmene (Mortal).
He was not a god of anything, he was a demigod; a hero. His father was Zeus. After he died, some say he became a god and was the protector of mankind.
No. He is the son of Iphicles, Hercules's mortal half brother.
Hercules was a greek god he was turned a god by zeus when hercules burned himself zeus thoght he sufferd enogh and made him the god of heros
Hercules was born as a demigod.He was part human and part god.
They made a special temple for Hercules god of strength.
He was not a god
He wasn't a god, but a demi-god (= half god), because he was the son of a god and a mortal. Hercules was a demigod because his father was Zeus. Zeus is god of Olympus or powerful. But his mother is mortal. He became a god when he died and Zeus turned him into a god. He was born a demigod.
Hercules is mixed between mortal and god, he is the son of Zeus/Jupiter (God) and Alcmene (Mortal).
Hercules is a demigod (which means 'half-god') as his father (Zeus) was a god and his mother (Alcmene) was mortal.
"Hercules" is the Roman name for the Greek god "Heracles" .
Hercules is the son of the god Zeus.he is a pagan god of heroes and braves.
Hercules is mixed between mortal and god, he is the son of Zeus/Jupiter (God) and Alcmene (Mortal).
He was not a god. He was a demi-god and a hero.
Hercules' principal power is his superhuman strength.