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Yes.In Greek ΑΡΓΩ Αργώ

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Q: Is Jason's ship called Argo
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What was jasons vessel called?

argo argo

What was the name of the greek god Jasons ship?

Jason was a hero, not a god. He sailed in the ship "Argo" in search of the Golden Fleece.

What was the ship named of Jason and the argonauts?

The Argo was Jason's ship, and those who sailed on her were called Argonauts. A link can be found below for more information.

What was Jasons fate?

the mast of the argo broke and fell and killed him.

What is the golden fleece ship?

The ship was the Argo. The sailors were called Argonauts.

Who was the person who built Jason's ship?

Argo. The ship was named after him, the Argo. And the argonauts got their name travelling on that ship. Argo was also an argonaut.

What was the name of the ship Jason and his band of brave argonauts sailed?

The Argo.Argos

What is the name of the lady figure head at the front of the ship in Jason and the Argonauts?

A ship was built and the finest young heroes in Greece joined the crew, some of the heroes came at the bidding of Athene. The ship was called the Argo, meaning Swift. The Argo was inspired by Athene and constructed by a man named Argos to be the most magnificent and seaworthy ship ever built. The keel of the Argo was made of oak which Athene cut in Dodona and endued with a human voice. The crewmembers of the Argo were called Argonauts, i.e. Argo Seaman. When the Argo set sail, the Nymphs of Mount Pelion marveled as they beheld the work of Athene.

Who led the argonauts?

Jason commissioned and lead the ship the Argo, and therefore the Argonauts.

Name of the ship which Jason search for the golden fleece?

The Argo, that is why is crew were called the Argonauts

In 'Jason and the Argonauts' what was the name of Jason's ship?

The ship was named the Argo.Named after the creator of it.

What did Jason and the Argonauts travel in?

The Argo, a ship that was supposed to be similar to a trireme. The Argo was also supposed to be the first ship of its kind.