Sort of. If you are a Greek person, and u worship the Greek gods and goddesses, then yo mite. Tartarus is known to be hell, for people like Sisyphus, Tantalus, and many others.
Tartarus as well.
Tartarus was a space in which horrible people were punished. Tartarus powers created special punishment depending on the person.
Suffer. Tartarus is nothing but an empty space with no beginning and no end.
It is divided into three subsections: the Elysian Fields, the Asphodel Meadows, and Tartarus. The Elysian Fields were for the good and heroic souls where they would be forever happy, similar to the Christian Heaven. Tartarus was where the evil and treacherous souls were sent to live out eternity in horrible punishment, similar to the Christian Hell. The Asphodel Meadows are for people who simply lived and did nothing amazing, but nothing bad enough to make them go to Tartarus.
Some believe the 3 Greek words translated to English as 'hell' are actually an interpolation - that is something added to or altering/corrupting with something foreign which in this case is an 'idea' of men. Be that as it may, there are 3 words translated as hell from the Greek. They are: Hades - meaning unseen or grave or pit and is equivalent to 'sheol' in Hebrew. Gehenna - valley of Hinnom and a burning city garbage dump. Tartaroo/tartarus - a dark place of restraint for the fallen angels used one time in the Bible. See link below
The Latin word which means hell is Tartarus and hellfire is Inferí.
Hades/Tartarus (Hell)
Hell, Place of the Dead, Deep place.
Tartarus is usually translated as hell in the new testament. Although it is not, it is pit where fallen angels and demons are chained waiting for judgment to be passed on them. There is no Satan, and it is guarded by angel(s) there for not hell, but a separate pit for the damned.
They did. There heaven consisted of 16 different sections with a god for each. Their hell was refered to as Tartarus.
In God of War 2, he does almost immediately, after you climb up the walls of Tartarus.
Tartarus was the underworld of Greek mythology, comparable to the Christian concept of Hell. It was never believed to be part of Mount Olympus, the abode of the gods. It's underground.
Because of Greek myth, many ideas of modern heaven and hell were seeded from the idea of Tartarus as a 'hell' and the blessed Elysian.
The translation is, Orcus - which means "the underworld", which is the same as Hell in ancient times.
Tartarus is the Greek God of the pit/hell.You pronounce Tartarus just how it sounds.Tartarus lives in Tartarus. Tartarus was born from nothing along with nyx the godess of night and Chaos the god of Chaos. Tartarus is evil. people are tortured in Tartarus, and evil gods titans and monsters are locked up their . Tartaruses power is to create monsters by mating with Gaia, Tartaruses most famous son is Typhom the father of all monsters.
Tartarus or "tartaroo" is the "inspired" word from the original manuscripts that's only used once in the scriptures.But, the King James translators copied many of the scriptures from other translations [like the Latin Vulgate], as much as, or more than from original manuscripts. The result was that whatever translation errors that may have been introduced into other translations of the scriptures were copied straight into the KJV.This one inspired use of the word 'tartarus' they copied from the Latin Vulgate... and tartarus became "hell" in the KJV. Four "different words" became translated into the word "hell" in the KJV... and tartarus was one of them.Tartarus is more of a "condition of restraint," as opposed to a "place."It's Peter who uses this inspired 'tartarus' in reference to the "angels that sinned.":"For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell[tartarus], and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto Judgment..." (II Peter.2:4).
Some different words for hell include Hades, Gehenna, Sheol, Tartarus, and Inferno. These words are often used in different religious and mythological contexts to describe a place of punishment or suffering after death.