Artemis, she was the goddess of hunting.
It is also Orion which is the God of Hunting in Greek Mythology.
He was a god. No. Orion was the great-hunter hero of a culture that probably pre-dated the Greek and got absorbed into the Classical Greek mythology. He was killed either by the bow of Artemis or from a sting from a scorpion.
Zeus was not a Greek Hero, but was the King of the Greek Gods. He father was the Titan, Cronus.
Hercules is a Greek hero. -- The Greek hero was called Heracles. Hercules is simply his Latin (Roman) name.
Dionysus, the Greek god of festivals, in the writings of Euripides can be considered the first anti-hero.
I think the greatest mythological greek hero would be Hercules because he did 12 almost impossible tasks.
I think you are talking about Hercules, the son of Zeus, he had an abundant amount of strength.
The person known as The Mighty Hunter was Artemis. She is the goddess of the hunt.
Orion is the one
Hercules is probably the most well known hero in Greek mythology.
Who was the mighty hunter
Well, Artemis is the goddess of the hunt but for mortals, Orion.
there is more then one "mighty hunter" the goddes artimis was goddess of the hunt. the others were, Orion (hunter and compainon of artimis), meleager (prince of calydonia), ATLANTA (lover of melenger,and fastest woman in Greece)
Orion was a giant huntsman whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.
Radisson - 1957 The Mighty Hunter was released on: USA: 1957
The Mighty Hunter - 1912 was released on: USA: 30 July 1912
The cast of The Mighty Hunter - 2010 includes: Jennifer Wiltsie as Cow