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No, he's a primeval god. The titans are the offspring of Uranus and Gaia.

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Q: Is Uranus a titan
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Who was in greek titan Uranus?

Uranus was not a Titan, he was the father of the Titan gods and goddesses. Uranus locked away his children within the the belly of the earth, Gaia.

Why is Uranus Uranus?

It is named after the Greek titan of the sky.

What power did Uranus have?

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Was Cronus a demigod?

No, Cronus was a Titan. He was a son of Gaia and Uranus.

How do you spell Uranus?

That is the correct spelling of Uranus, the planet named for a Titan (also Ouranos).

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That is the correct spelling of Uranus, the planet named for a Titan (also Ouranos).

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Who was the titan?

The first titan was Gaea, the titan of earth. She married her son Uranus (kind of creepy). She was born by the darkness, emptiness and stillness that was.

Does thinking about Saturn Titan Uranus?

Yes, thinking about Saturn, Titan, and Uranus may involve considering their unique characteristics such as Saturn's rings, Titan's thick atmosphere, and Uranus' sideways rotation. Each planet offers interesting features that make them stand out in our solar system.

Who was the first titan?

The first titan was Gaea, the titan of earth. She married her son Uranus (kind of creepy). She was born by the darkness, emptiness and stillness that was.

What was Uranus the father of?

Uranus (or Ouranus) was the father to Gaia, the Earth's, children, one of them being the titan Cronus.

Who is the father of the Titan?

The father of the titans is Ouranos (Uranus) who was the sky.