No, an auxiliary was a military person. He could either be a foot soldier, a cavalryman, or a specialist such as a slinger or bowman. They were non-citizens and usually recruited from the provinces. They received Roman citizenship upon their completion of service.
Antony, as a triumvir, was the supreme Roman authority in the eastern part of the empire. He summoned Cleopatra to Tarsus in order to give her a chance to justify her inaction in coming to the aid of the triumvirs (as she had been ordered) during the war with Brutus and Cassius.
Octavian defeated Mark Antony and his ally, Cleopatra VII of Egypt, in the Final Civil War of the Roman Republic (32-30 BC). He had declared war on Cleopatra as a ruse to fight her ally Mark Antony, whom he knew would come to her aid.
Ricardo Munguía - aid worker - died in 2003.
Kate Burton - aid worker - was born in 1981.
An aid worker is a person who works for a charitable organization devoted to helping others, particularly in conflict zones.
People who work in community service, or as an aid in Christianity i.e. Christian Aid, so get paid in one form or another. Some times, the benefits of helping others, out weigh the pay factor. This is certainly not a business to get rich (money wise), but the rewards are often very beneficial.
assiant, aid, aide, collaborator, co- worker, colleague, and partner.
healthcare worker should apply band-aid on a puncture wound, after it he should wear sterile gloves, then he can do his work.
Emergency aid, in times of disaster, saves lives.
probably honey
Very slowly warm up the hand.
fork lifts are a good mechanical lifting aid you can out more on it than a worker can carry
The best place to start for charitable aid is churches. Most churches have programs for people that are below poverty level. If that does not answer your question, I suggest you contact a social worker at the welfare office.
if the arrow point to the top aid: Aid (arrow pointing toward it) Aid Aid Answer: First Aid