Whether you believe in a god or gods depends on your level of belief. If you get comfort is believing that your god speaks to you - good luck to you!
Her powers help humans fall in love with one each other that's how she helped
Write it? No, not often, the great poets and story tellers wrote down the myths they knew so there is a record of sorts of the myths that people spoke of among each other in ancient times.
Humans ate each other and fed anyone one committing homosexual acts to the sharks
They never fought each other. Both their territories were conquered by the Spanish in the 16th century.
No. Out of all the divine (god and goddess) couples, Hades and Persephone are the only couple that never cheated on each other.
Dragons typically spoke to humans in the communal language (English, Chinese, French, etc.), but they spoke to each other in Dragonish. They also wrote in Chinese characters (if in China) and Anglo-Saxon runes in Europe.
There is no one person who created words- I think words originated in the age of early humans when they found need to communicate with each other. As human culture got more complex and humans needed more communication, they made sounds mean words and spoke to each other. Then languages developed and influenced each other.
Wolves live in a pack=a family for humans Wolves hunt with each other, working with each other=humans do the same Wolves look after each other, care for each other, even mourn=Humans do the same Wolves will never leave behind a fellow packmate=some humans do this Wolves never leave orphans orphaned=some humans do this Wolves will attack anyone or anything that threatens it=humans would do the same Wolves rarely attack humans=some humans look for any possible chance to attack wolves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcB38vZmYJ8
depends, sometimes confronting him can be the answer but be carefull and maybe calmly express your feelings and try not to get what other people think involved
They wrote to each other or spoke to each other mainly in latin or greek. In those days there were no computers or mobile phones.
No, corruption is not a bad thing in family life. We are humans, as humans we have conflicts. We are never going to agree with each other 100% of the time and we are going to listen to each other all the time either. But, as your family, your corruption can be fixed and made stronger.
he probably likes you. Teenagers lack the maturity to express themselves, have a chat with him and ask him why he pulling faces :)
in the bed
Not with each other.
no, they kill each other
Of course they can kill each other. Humans and sharks are enemies.