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Sathiya Jyothi

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Q: Is king sibi chakravarthy is Tamil king?
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What is the meaning of the name sibi?

in fect not sibi it is sibi ravindran he is our room mate.It's a king name. One day a hawk started chasing the pigeon and the pigeon fell on King Sibi's lap trembling with fear. The hawk demanded the king to surrender the pigeon as its prey. The king refused saying that the pigeon had sought his protection. After much argument the hawk agreed to leave the pigeon alone if the king would offer a piece of flesh from his own body which was equivalent to the weight of the pigeon. The king was more than happy to make such a sacrifice.- I got to know this from ur room mate sibi ravindran. he's the one who explained to me the meaning of Sibi in our first meeting. :)

How many Tamil nadu players selected for Olympics 2012 and their names?

3 players Srijesh -Hockey Rushmi Chakravarthy-Tennis Renjith Maheswari-Athletics

When was Doctor Chakravarthy created?

Doctor Chakravarthy was created in 1964.

How tall is Chakravarthy Ramachandra?

Chakravarthy Ramachandra is 5' 11".

Which Continent sibi is?

Sibi is a city in Pakistan. It is located in Asia.

What is the meaning of name thangaraj in Tamil?

"Thangaraj" in Tamil means "king of gold" or "golden king." It is a combination of two words: "Thanga" which means "gold" and "Raj" which means "king" in Tamil.

When did K. Chakravarthy die?

K. Chakravarthy died on 2002-02-03.

When was K. Chakravarthy born?

K. Chakravarthy was born on 1936-09-08.

When was J. D. Chakravarthy born?

J. D. Chakravarthy was born in 1970.

When was Shyam Sundar Chakravarthy born?

Shyam Sundar Chakravarthy was born in 1869.

When did Shyam Sundar Chakravarthy die?

Shyam Sundar Chakravarthy died in 1932.

What is Tamil for king?
