No, a replica is a not the real thing. A replica is a copy of a picture, painting , or item. Replicas are always cheaper than the real thing.
You can buy the special edition god of war III game for the ps3.
the Egyptians made a replica of King Khufu (the sphinx) but they were not allowed to make exact replicas of pharaohs so they had to take off the nose.
No hades not real.
Of course it's not real!
No, but I believe the surname of Cabbage is real.
No, it is not real.
Replica jerseys are not the real jerseys the players have, however, they are a cheaper version that looks similar. An Authentic Jersey is like a real jersey.
A replica is something very similar like the genuine. But there is no authorization brands. Sometimes the quality of replica is very good. They are almost the same with the real.
No. A replica is simply a copy produced for any number of reasons; a fake is a replica that claims, or is claimed to be, the real or original thing.
Yes, any coin that doesn't have the same dimensions as the real coin is a replica.
It depends on the particular belt you want. Some of the cheaper 'replica' belts start at $99 and then the really nice deluxe replicas can go upwards of $499.
replica pucks are ones that look like NHL pucks. real game pucks have been used during a game.
No, it is not normally a crime to purchase a replica (unless you plan to see it on) but it is a crime to sell one as 'real' when it is a fake.
Depends on make, model, condition, and whether it is a real firearm, or a non-firing replica. Not enough information to answer.
Hello no
eBay or Amazon.
NO it is a replica of the real one but the real one doesn't have secrete compartments