yes she is if Osiris and Isis and Horus is real of course he or she of Senkhara must be real in ancient history
No there is not a forgotten ruler named Senkhara!
She was a pharaoph from Egypt and a worshiper to the gods of ancient egypt
I studied ancient history
Paleo is a prefix of Greek origin used to mean something ancient and/or prehistoric. in case of "history": ancient history or prehistoric history.
Lebanon was known for its ancient cedars. Found in my History book, ''History of the World''.
Senkhara's was not an unforgotten ruler she was real in ancient history she has insane powers but don't be fooled by people who say that she is not real because she and I have dreams about her and they feel so real and many years ago that's how ancient gods who communicate withe people that they want to take over
no body knowip s
No there is not a forgotten ruler named Senkhara!
Nobody really knows but in house of anubis she is
No there is not a forgotten ruler named Senkhara!
Senkara isn't real she's just a ghost with insane powers that make her realistic.
Yes, Senkhara is a Egyptian spirit . She is Ra's daughter Ra is a king and he had a daughter named Senkhara and she drank human blood and later became the goddess of happiness
No, Senkhara is not a spirit. It is a fictional character from the television series "House of Anubis."
Ancient Greek history.
No, there was only olympic games for men in ancient olympic history
She was a pharaoph from Egypt and a worshiper to the gods of ancient egypt
Yes, it is absolutely a real name, and there were people in ancient history with this name or a similar one.