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Water is not an element. The element that is most present in the atmosphere is Nitrogen at about 70% (Oxygen is about 20%). I don't know about the most common element in the earth's crust though. I'd say that the most common element overall is Carbon (since all life is carbon based)

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Q: Is water the most common element on Earth?
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What is the lightest and most common element on earth?

water is the and most found substance also earth and air

What is earth's most common element?

In the crust on which we live, oxygen is the most common element. In the Earth as a whole, iron is the most common element.

Which element is most common in both Earth's crust and the human body?

the most common thing on earth crust as well as in human body is water .

What is Second most common element?

The second most common element on Earth is silicon, which makes up about 28% of Earth's crust. The most common element found on a Earth is oxygen which is about 47%.

Is oxygen the most common element on Earth?

Oxygen is the most common element in the crust.

What is the second most common element on Earth?

The second most common element in the earth's crust behind oxygen is silicon.

What is the most common element in the earth's ocean?

Hydrogen is the most common element in the ocean.

What is the second most common element after oxygen?

Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, not oxygen.Oxygen is the most common element on Earth, followed by silicone.

What is the most common element in coffee?

Coffee is mostly water, H2O. Of water, hydrogen is the most common element, so hydrogen in the most common element in coffee.

What is the most common in the earth's crust?

The Earth's crust contains eight elements. The most common element among the eight is Oxygen (47 percent) and second is Silicon (28 percent).

Most common element on earth after oxygen?

depends if you're talking about in the earths crust, in water or in the human boby. In us, carbon comes second. In the water, hydrogen. In the atmosphere ther is actually way more nitrogen than there is oxygen.

Is Carbon element?

Carbon is an element in the p block. It is a most common element on the earth.