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Jason abandoned Medea partly because she was considered a barbarian but mostly because his second marriage would elevate him socially. He would inherit his new wife's kingdom and be ruler after his father in law's death. His marriage to Medea wasn't considered valid because of her status as a "barbarian". She got the ultimate revenge on him though!!! taken from:

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Q: Jason is willing to leave Medea for the king's daughter?
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Who ruled the Inca civilization did they have kings or queens?


What were kings of the Persian Empire called?

King of Kings.

How long did kings stay kings in ancient mesopotamia?

Kings of Ancient Mesopotamia were kings until they died and then gave the throne to his oldest son. When this keeps on getting passed down they call that a dynasty.

A prashasti give accurate information about rulers why?

no,as it is in praise of kings so it tell the good qualities of the kings but will not tell the negative points about the kings.

Who were the kings and queens of the Romans?

Ancient Roman tradition says the there were seven kings : Rolmulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullius Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, and Tarquinus Superbus. The last king was overthrown and the Romans established a republic in 509 BC. Romulus is said to have founded the city in 853 BC. We do not have records of wives for the first three kings and no name for the wife of the fourth. Tarquinius Priscus' wife was Tanaquil; Servius Tullius' wife the previous king and queen's daughter and was named by some sources as Gegania. Tarquinius Superbus' wife was servius Tullius' daughter, Tullia. The monarchy was not hereditary, kings were chosen by the senate and then elected by the assembly of the people. The second king was a foreigner, form the Sabine city of Cures, and so was the fifth, who was a half Greek and half Etruscan from the Etruscan city of Tarquinii. The last king was his son or grandson and seized power through a coup d' etat.

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