Athena is the Greek goddess of knowledge and battle strategies.
No mention of these exists in the modern knowledge of Greek mythology.
There is no Greek God or Goddess of Teachers, officially, but Athena was the Goddess of knowledge and could be considered the patron Goddess of teachers AND students.
In geographical terms, in Greek mythology she was claimed as Athens patron god, but in abstract terms she dominated the subject of knowledge and wisdom.
Athena's story is that she was born in Zeus's head, that is also how she got her knowledge in the Greek myths.
The Greek term for knowledge seeker is "γνωστικός" (gnostikos).
the greek goddess of knowledge is Sophia. Sophia is just Greek for wisdom. The actual Greek goddess of wisdom was Athena.
The Greek words for the "knowledge of life" is γνώση ζωής.
Biology comes from the Greek word meaning knowledge of life.
The root for wisdom or knowledge is "soph" from the Greek word "sophia," which means wisdom.
The word for knowledge in Greek is gnosis. It also means wisdom or learning.
Athena is the Greek goddess of knowledge and battle strategies.
Encyclopedia - basically meaning "general knowledge" or "gathered knowledge" in Greek language.
The ancient Greek masters outlined the importance of empiricism and rationalism in the quest for knowledge. They believed that while the former propounds the genius of practical knowledge, rationalism interrogated knowledge as a matter of reason.
Plato, a Greek philosopher, believed that knowledge is inborn and that people are born with innate ideas that they recollect through learning and experience. The theory of innate knowledge is known as the theory of recollection.