Winning battle against Syria, creating peace treaty with Hittites, restoring Temple of Karnak, restoring Sphinx, was nicknamed Sese, built a city with four temples and beautiful gardens and orchards.
The major world events that took place during Cleopatra's reign was the establishing of Cleopatra on the throne by Julius Caesar, the assassination of Julius Caesar, the Roman triumvirate, her alliance with Antony and their defeat at Actium, Octavian conquering Egypt. This latter event ultimately resulted in her suicide.
his greatest acheivment was all the statues he made
Ramses II
Her reign started with the Alexandrian war, then there was the assassination of Julius Caesar, the civil war between the triumvirs and the assassins, Antony arriving in the east and the rivalry between Octavian and Antony culminating in the battle at Actium. Domestically, Egypt suffered drought and famine during the first three years of Cleo's reign.
Ramses II. was the most active monument builder of Egypt. His government period was the longest in Egyptian history. He was married with Nefertari and had 20 sons. Ramses II. died in the 67th year of his reign at the age of 90 years.
Ramesses II
Well his daughter died
he built himself a city and
Well his daughter died
they felt great fu
The major world events that took place during Cleopatra's reign was the establishing of Cleopatra on the throne by Julius Caesar, the assassination of Julius Caesar, the Roman triumvirate, her alliance with Antony and their defeat at Actium, Octavian conquering Egypt. This latter event ultimately resulted in her suicide.
Terrorist attacks in america (planes crashing in new york)
Yes for 20 years.
66 Years He reigned
lots of things :)
yes he was