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Computers, cell phones, telephones, and letters.

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Q: Modern objects dealing with iris the Greek goddess?
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A modern name for Aphrodite?

There is no modern name for the Greek goddess, she is only known as Aphrodite. Romans had a equivalent goddess, Venus.

Are there any Greek holidays or special events in honor of the Greek Goddess Nike?

Not in modern Greece.

What are some modern references to the Greek Goddess Athena?

Athena Diagnostics

What was hebe's objects?

Hebe, Greek goddess of youth, was most well known for her cup.

What songs represent the Greek goddess Persephone?

There are many, both ancient and modern.

How does the Greek Goddess Aphrodite influence modern day life?

because he does and is the godness of love in most greek myths kudos

How is Greek mythology in your modern world?

There is Nike, a company that sells shoes that is also the greek goddess of victory. Also sayings like Achilles heel and Pandora's box. Also the word nemesis comes from the greek goddess of revenge.

Who is Artemis like in the present?

There is no modern day comparison to a Greek goddess who was worshiped by ancient people.

What was greek goddess chlris's symble?

There is no such Greek Goddess.

Who was the goddess of the moonof greek?

who is the goddess of themoon of greek

Who is the Greek goddess Demeter?

Demeter is the Greek goddess of earth and harvest.

Who is greek god or goddess of the earth?

I believe the Greek Goddess's name is Gaia.