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the monks of the ndongo congo

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Q: Monks who spread the good news to people in every land?
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Continue Learning about Ancient History

What good things did Aphrodite do?

She was the goddess of love and beauty, and with the help of her son Eros she spread those in the world.

What did Dionysus do?

Dionysus did many things in Greek mythology. He was the god of wine and fertility. Firstly, he invented wine, and spread the art of squashing grapes around the world. Secondly, he was very good at curing madness. Also, he could turn people mad if he wanted to. Dionysus was also the god of festivals!

Was Cleopatra VII a good ruler?

No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.

Is Athena power for good?

Athena is a Greek goddess; they can be "good" and "bad" just like people.

Is the goddess Nyx good or bad?

some people say she was good and some say she was bad but everyone feared her but in my opinion she was good

Related questions

What were monks who spread the good news to people in every land called?

Missionaries were monks who spread the good news to people in every land.

Who were the monks who spread the Good News to people in every land?


Monks who spread the good news to barbarians?


What year were medieval monks around?

Monks were around for every single year of the Medieval Age. There were also monks in late Roman times, and there are still monks in modern times. Monks have been around for a good long while, and not all of them were Medieval. * The Medieval Age lasted from the 5th Century to the 15th.

What do monks give in support?

they help the people in spiritually meaning, good wishes:)))))

How do people spread?

people spread around for different reasons like they spread in:search of good jobseducationfoodwatersheltermedical surgerybusiness and etc.....

Name Three Things Monks Would Do To Help People Nearby?

They gave them an education, a religion to believe in and shwo them that simplicity is good.

What were three contribution that monks made to society?

Really good cheese. Really good chocolate. Really, REALLY good beer. And genetics. (I'm just thinking of Catholic monks here.)

People who make vows to devote their lives to prayers and good works are?

These people are typically monastic-type men and women of religion. The most common types of said people are monks and nuns.

What is a sentence using the word spread?

The good news quickly spread around the town. He spread the butter on his bread. He was very generous, so he spread his winnings across many people and charities.

Why did monks follow strict rules?

Monks followed strict rules because the rules were intended to help them live as good Christians.

Is Egyptian people is bad people?

yes they are very nice,of course not all of them but they're nice