Achilles was the son of Peleus, king of the myrmidons, and Thetis.
The beautiful Elena, the wife of King Agamemnon of Athenes, fell in love with the younger son of King Pryam of Troy.
Paris of Troy was the son of the Trojan king Priam and his wife, Hecuba.
Ithaca. He was the king there, and when he left on his odyssey he left behind his son and wife (Penelope).
Darius son of Hystaspes.
The oldest from which wife?
im pretty sure that all of his kids werent named THAT
France: King Philips IV had three sons and one daughter. Only one son left a boy, but that one died within a few days. Philips nephew Philips then claimed the throne. The daughter had married the English king Edward II and her son Edward III claimed the throne through her. Philips stated that France was under Salic Law, which meant that the female line was not valid.
Son Andy (b. 1962) and daughter Chaia (b. 1969), with Alene Akins. Son, with wife Shawn Southwick, Chance Armstrong King born (March 9, 1999). [9 March 1999] His second son, with wife Shawn Southwick, Cannon Edward King was born. [22 May 2000]
Yes he has a son, his name is Elisha.. and his wife's name is Marion.
Henry VIII's 3rd wife was Jane Seymour who finally gave Henry his only son, but died as a result of childbirth.
His wife's name is Caroline, And his son's name is Bo.
Here we have to ask from which wife?
He was the eldest son of Akhenaten and his unkown wife so he was chosen to be king
queen berenib and Neithotepe who was the son of his only son Djer
his wife's name is Penelope and his sons name is Telemachus
In Greek Myth, Oedipus, king of Thebes; was the son, as he supposed, of Polybus, king of Corinth, and Merope his wife, but found to be the son of Laïus and Jocasta.