He had more than seven daughters. The children of Atlas were:
The Hesperides (there were 3 of them)
The Hyades (also numbering 3)
The Pleiades (there were 7 here)
Hyas, a son
The Pleiades were the seven daughters of the Titan Atlas and Pleione the sea nymph.
Atlas's daughters were Hesperides, Hyades, Hyas, Pleiades, Calypso, Dione and Maera.
In Greek mythology, Atlas' wife is named Pleione. She is also commonly associated with the Pleiades, a group of seven star nymphs who are often mentioned in mythology.
Atlas was not married, but begot with Pleione, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, to produce the Pleiades by him, seven mountain-star goddess daughters: Teygata, Elektra, Alkyone, Asterope, Kelaino, Maia and Merope. Atlas and Aethra (another name of Pleione, or her sister) begot Hyas and three or five or seven daughters called the Hyades after their brother because at his death they wept and wouldn't be stopped and so became the cancellation which is called 'Rainy Ones' and heralds the rainy season. Their brother was Aquarius. They are called : Idothea, Althaea and Adraste; Philia, Coronis, and Cleis. Phaesyle, Coronis, Cleeia, Phaeote, and Eudora Ambrosia, Eudora, Pedile, Coronis, Polyxo, Phyto, and Thyone, or Dione. Atlas and Hesperis (daughter of Hesperos son of Eos the Dawn, mother unknown) produced the Hesperides, three, four or seven daughters : Aegle, Erythea, Arethusa, Hesperethusa, Hespera, Hesperia, Chrysothemis, Lipara, and Asterope. Of the Hesperides, one named Erytheia produced a son Eurytion, the herdsman of Geryon who lived on the island of Erytheia near the home of the Hesperides. There are also daughters of Atlas with no named mother, such as Calypso, goddess of the mythical island of Ogygia; Maera (Sirius's star) who married to Tegeates, the son of Lycaon; and Dione who married Tantalus and produced Pelops and Niobe.
Atlas come from the name of a greek gaint.
The Pleiades were the seven daughters of the Titan Atlas and Pleione the sea nymph.
Atlas's daughters were Hesperides, Hyades, Hyas, Pleiades, Calypso, Dione and Maera.
He was father to a lot of daughters including the four Hesperides whom are nymphs, the five Hayades whom were constellations, and the seven Pleiades whom were doves and then stars
The seven daughters of Atlas, known as the Pleiades, are mythological figures in Greek mythology. They were Alcyone, Maia, Electra, Taygete, Asterope, Calaeno, and Merope. According to the myth, they were transformed into stars to escape the pursuit of Orion.
there are three hesperides they were the daughters of atlas
In Greek mythology, the daughters of Atlas were turned into the Pleiades, a group of star clusters. They were transformed by Zeus into stars to protect them from the unwanted attention of Orion.
Their names and number depend upon their parentage: Aigle and Erytheia and ox-eyed Hesperethoosa are the Hesperides daughters of Nyx (Night) according to Hesiod. As daughters of Atlas and Hesperis, there are seven Hesperides. Hesperides are also called daughters of Zeus and Themis or of Phorcys and Keto.
They are the Hesperdides, and they are the daughtwers of Atlas.
The pleiades is an open star cluster to represent Atlas and her seven daughters. new-born stars dated back 400,000,000 years ago. hunted by sky warrior, Orion.
The Seven Daughters of Eve was created in 2001.
Leopold Atlas's birth name is Atlas, Leopold Lawrence.
Teddy Atlas's birth name is Theodore A. Atlas Jr..