It is called the papyrus
I think it was the Egyptians - papyrus is paper made out of reeds...
The Egyptians used papyrus reeds from the banks of the river nile to make paper and baskets. They also used papyrus reeds to make sandals, furniture and small boats. Some of the boats found in tombs were made of papyrus reeds to help the dead person travel to the afterlife. Hope that answers your question!
The Egyptians used a parchment called papyrus for their writing paper. It was made of a material derived from the papyrus plant that grew along the Nile Delta.
Papyrus .
The 'paper' was made from papyrus reeds.
That is papyrus, and that is where we get the word paper.
It is called the papyrus
I think it was the Egyptians - papyrus is paper made out of reeds...
Some ancient papers , such as the ancient Egyptians, made paper called papyrus. Papyrus was made of reeds found along the nile river.
Historically, scrolls were typically made from parchment (animal skin) or papyrus (pressed reeds). Today, scrolls can also be made from paper or even digital formats.
Yes they were made of reeds and twigs.