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Dylan Jones

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Q: Strictly ruled military state
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Who strictly ruled military state Athens or Sparta?

Sparta Of Course

Was the strictly ruled military state Sparta or Athens?

Both were strictly ruled - Sparta was a limited democracy, Athens for a time became a radical democracy. Spartan citizens devoted their time to military training as they had a serf population to support them, Athenians did part-time military training only as they had to earn a living.

What is a city state ruled be a military oligarchy?


Who rules a country state or district?

different countries are ruled by different people. some countries are ruled by the queen, king, government and even the military. for example, Zimbabwe is effectivley ruled by the military.

What is a govenment ruled by a military leader?


Which is the place in India not ruled by the British?

Hyderabad state ruled by NIZAM.

Does each state have military?

NO, each state does not have a military.

The state is ruled in accordance with the dominant?

The state is ruled in accordance of the dominant RELIGION because theocracy means "rule of god."

In a theocracy the state is ruled in accordance with the dominant?

The government is ruled in accordance with the dominant religion in a theocracy.

In a theocracy the state is ruled in accordance with the dominant .?

The government is ruled in accordance with the dominant religion in a theocracy.

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