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Seamus Friesen

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Papyrus is used to make paper and is the only way to make paper.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Tom Edwards is Awsome :) they used it for weaving sandels and and baskets. It was also used for Paper, making boats, Shoes and nessecities! <3

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Papyrus (paper) and boats.

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: The Egyptians used papyrus to make what?
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Why did the Egyptians use papyrus stems to make?

Egyptians used papyrus stems to make paper

What is the plant Egyptians used to make paper?

i believe that was papyrus

What did the ancient Egyptians use papyrus for?

the egyptians used papyrus to write on.papyrus was derived from a plant and it was used instead of paper Papyrus or paper reed (Cyperus papyrus) is a plant used by the ancient Egyptians to make paper much the same way as we do today.

The Egyptians used what to make writing paper?

They used Papyrus

From papyrus the egyptians made a type of?

The Egyptians were able to make a type of paper from papyrus.

Why don't the egyptians use paper instead of papyrus?

Papyrus was used to make paper.

Did the egyptians use papyrus to make sandals?

Yes the Egyptians did use papyrus to make sandals. They also used it to make boats, mats, baskets and objects like that.

What did the Egyptians make out of papyrus?

The Papyrus reed.

What materials did Ancient Egyptians use to make sandals?

They did. Egyptians would use the papyrus to make boats, sandals, baskets, paper, and even to wrap their pharohs mummified bodies! As you see the Papyrus was very useful to the Egyptians! Thanks!

What did the ancient Egyptians used to make with papyrus?

Papyrus could be made into paper, sandals, linens, and boats.

What plant did egyptians use to make paper?

Papyrus a type of reed found close to the shore all along the Nile River

The source of paper used by ancient egyptians?

Ancient egyptians used a plant called papyrus to make their paper.